Wednesday, April 1, 2009

OK, So It's Been A While...

So, I finally decided to come back! Not that there's anyone still here reading this, but I decided to start cranking out my mental diarrhea to the Intarwebs again. I was planning on coming back and start posting about my experiences in jury duty. But that was obviously almost four months ago so I'm not going to bother since:
A) I'm obviously too much of a drunk to really remember any of it by now and
B) I'm a big, lazy liar.

Tomorrow I'm going to come back strong with my adventures in volunteering at the animal shelter. Yes, comedy is about to ensue. BE THERE FOLKS!


mortarbored said...

BooBoo is back!

TK said...

Aw, look who remembered how to use the internet!

onthevirg said...

And here's today's first appearance by Laurel and Hardy.

country roads said...

I'm glad I'm not the only person that loses months at a time to, work and life.

onthevirg said...

Country - No sir, no you are not. My liver is quite appreciative of my commitment to excellence though.